Coupons Generator

The add on allows to define discount coupons to be applied on purchases.

  • - Distributed with the premium version of the Music Store.
  • - Requires at least the Music Store Plugin v1.0.85

The add on allows to define discount coupons to be applied on purchases. The coupons can be created manually or the add-on generates a new discount coupon code for each purchase and sends it to the buyer to promote new sales.

The "Coupons" section appears in the store's settings page.

The add-on settings are:

Coupons Section
Coupons Section in the store's settings

To define the manual coupons:

  • Percent of discount.
  • Coupon code.
  • Valid from (dd/mm/yyyy). The coupon would be valid from the entered date.
  • Valid to (dd/mm/yyyy). The coupon would be valid until the entered date.

Coupons Generator Section
Coupons Generator Section in the store's settings

To generate the coupons dynamically:

  • Activate the Coupons Generator: Activates the generator.
  • Percent of discount.
  • Length of the coupon's code: Number of characteres in the coupons' codes.
  • Valid for: The number of days where coupons are valid.
  • Promote coupon message: The promote's text to add to the notification emails, with the coupon's data.

    Into the "Promote coupon message", the special texts: %COUPON_DISCOUNT% is replaced by the discount to apply, %COUPON_CODE% by the discount code, and %COUPON_DATE% by the date limit.

Note: The promote message for coupons generated dyncamically is added at the end of the notification email by default, but to insert the message in a different place, insert the special text: %COUPON% into the "Email confirmation to user" attribute.

Subscription options

A subscription entitles you to 1 year of updates and support from the date of purchase.

25.99 EUR
49.99 EUR
75.99 EUR